sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012


Mochima National Park is localized, northeast of Venezuela, between the cities of Barcelona, Puerto La Cruz and Cumana, and extends along the coast over an area of ninety-four thousand nine hundred thirty-five (94.935) hectares. It has spectacular beaches and has a unique combination of mountains that kiss the sea. All these wonders can be reached by boat service area.


Mochima Lodge is a place to rest and to fill peace and tranquility with the beautiful landscape that it has to the sea, is a really cozy place . Mochima Lodge counts with 7 rooms very comfortable and 1 Presidential Suite, with air conditioning, hot water and all with a landscape to the sea.
The cross is located to 45 minutes of the airport of Barcelona, way to Cumana to 1 km, after Arapito Beach.


Mochima is a very attractive place for aquatic sports and relaxing. If you have been interested in the aquatic world you can start by renting some equipment and start diving. If this isn’t of your like you can stay on the surface doing kayak, wakeboard, between others.
And if you haven’t been a sports person you can simply go to know the different cays that you might find.
At night the activities are reduced but you can still go out and know the town and go eating fish at the different restaurants, you can also stay in an hotel to be ready for the next day.


In Mochima dominates a variety of marine life, to protect this place we would have to made certain standards, we propose the idea to avoid that any kind of motor boat passes near the mangroves, because their blades could destroy their roots, in addition also we want to ban fishing with articles like the harpoon, because it destroys marine life and causes death not only of fish, also the corals.


After the arriving to Mochima and the registration in the tavern, the adventure begins and you could start your trip going to some beach, as Blanca beach, Cristalina beach, Arapito beach or Swimming Pool beach, where you can take a lunch in front of the sea. Mochima has been one of the better places to scuba dive in Venezuela, because of that, is highly recommendable to the scuba diving lovers. Has an incredible atmosphere for diving.
In the next days you can take the boat to visit:
-El pozo del isleño, a small stream a few meters from the seashore.
-The tip of the virgin
-The Cautaro and Cautarito beaches.
Take a bout and go to the west of Mochima, where a place known by the locals where dolphins abound.

If you are searching for a place to rest and have fun, don´t doubt about go to Mochima. It will be unforgettable.